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Bucks and Wether

Born May 11, 2021
Dam "Ginger" ADGA AN1869467
Sire "Saada Lavender Xanadu" 
ADGA PN1895578
Pickles is a very gentle mellow buck with beautiful moon spotting. His father had a mellow personality and very minimal odor. So far Pickles has been much like his father in that regard. 
Gloaming Saffron's Blanton
Born June 6, 2020
Dam "Gloaming Vetches Saffron" 
ADGA PN1919250
Sire "Fox's Pride FG/SF Ginn Rummy"
ADGA PN1824518
I have only had Gloaming for about 6 months as he was new for 2021 breeding season. He loves being petted and showered with attention. Out of breeding season I smell very little musk. In breeding season it was stronger but not nearly as strong as several bucks that I have had.
My Favorite
Born March 6, 2018
Dam "Jesta Farm SM Maybeline"
ADGA AN1503292
Sire "Rabbit Light Pumpkin"
ADGA AN1869466
My Favorite is a very special animal. He was the son of my favorite doe who died after a difficult birth. I bred with him for two seasons and then castrated him.
He is lovely, sweet affectionate, and charming. He would make a good companion animal and a very loving pet.

© 2017

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